Traveler: On the list for events on two different campuses
Whole Package: You’ve completed your profile
Squad Goals: You’ve joined a group
Ring Leader: You’ve created a group
Party Hopper: You’ve made the list for 3 events in one day
Streak: How many weeks in a row you’ve been on on the list for an event
User Since: When you joined DoorList
Caterpillar: You’ve added 1 friend
Cocoon: You’ve added 5 friends
New Wings: You’ve added 10 friends
Social Butterfly: You’ve added 25 friends
First Timer: You’re on the list for 1 event
Regular: You’re on the list for 5 events
Crowd Favorite: You’re on the list for 10 events
VIP: You’re on the list for 25 events
First Hello: You’ve sent a 1 chat
Small Talker: You’ve sent 5 chats
Chatty Cathy: You’ve sent 10 chats
Social Spark: You’ve sent 25 chats
Rookie Host: You created 1 event
Event Planner: You created 3 events
Party Pro: You created 5 events
Master Host: You created 10 events