Group Management
Organization Admins
How to add and remove organization administrators
Who should be an admin?
It’s important when adding admins to consider what you are granting them access too. Do you want this person to be able to:
- Add or remove organization members
- Add or remove organization admins
- Create new events for your organization
- Add or remove users from your event lists
- Add or remove users from your subgroups
- Trigger payouts of the current orginization balance after paid events
- Change chat settings
Adding Admins:
- Open the members list either by clicking the ‘Members’ at the top of the screen or by clicking the forward arrow on the ‘Members’ scroller
- Tap the member you’d like to make an admin
- Tap the 3 dots in the top right of the pop-up modal
- Tap ‘Make Admin’
Removing Admins:
- Open the members list either by clicking the ‘Members’ at the top of the screen or by clicking the forward arrow on the ‘Members’ scroller
- Tap the admin you’d like to remove
- Tap the 3 dots in the top right of the pop-up modal
- Tap ‘Revoke Admin Title’